Sunday 18 August 2013

University Guide: What To Take

This blog is all about the essentials for moving to university. I was so stressed and all the lists I found online were endless and seemed to include pointless things. So I thought I'd make me own list for everyone that doesn't want to end up with useless things filling up there rooms.

For everything that is going to be in a public area like the Kitchen or Bathroom I'd suggest going cheaper rather then extravagant. I learnt from experience that things go missing get wrecked and you don't want to waste money. It's annoying trust me!

In the kitchen

Pots - I'd say three is enough, they sell sets of three at Argos for £10.99 

Frying pan - A medium sized one will do 

Wooden/Metal Stirring Spoon 

Potato Masher 


Can opener/bottle opener - get one that can do both, Poundland 

Towels - I'd say two is enough. They're going to get dirty unless you lock them away, you can get a pack for a pound in most places  

Places I'd recommend for university things, 
Argos, Wilkinsons, B&M and even Poundland. 

For these things, though plain sets are cheaper, you may want to look into buying in specific colours. This is so you can easily recognise your things, and others know that they are yours too.
Also I found two of each is enough. 




Cutlery - 12 Piece set is the best option, they will go missing, you can get packs for £2.00 at Argos and Tesco

Things to buy when you get there as a flat -

Washing up liquid 

Wash cloths 


Drying Rack - this isn't an essential but will provide easy drying and plates won't just be lying by the sink if you don't dry them immediately

Make it feel like home

Though you can just transfer you home bedding from home to Uni, it is much easier to buy a new set as you won't have to bring it back for weekends and holidays.

I got my bed set from home bargains, not the most glamorous shop. But it did save me money as I had to buy everything myself.

Duvet - I'd suggest a medium tog, as this will do through winter and summer. You can also pick up a duck feather duvet from most places, and they are the most comfortable. 

Pillows - however many you usually have, you can get packs of one and two from most home shops.

Duvet and Pillow cover set - I suggest buying two of these, whilst you wash and dry one set you have a spare

Laptop or PC

Monitor/TV - I'd suggest not watching live tv, as you will have to buy a TV Licence, and most TV programmes are available online after they have been on TV.

TV Licence - if you're going to be watching live TV you need one. It's illegal not to have one.

Drying Rack - Cheaper if you don't have the change for the on site drying machines.

Laundry Bag - I'd suggest a bag rather then basket, you can put it away, and it's easier to carry to the washing place

Lamp - Most Uni's have them if not I'd suggest buying one, you will inevitably be working during the night and its less harsh then the bedroom light 

Photos - Print photos off that you take at uni and stick them up, and take photos from home to make your room more homely

Posters - if you are aloud to stick things on your wall take advantage and transform you cell like room in to your personal space, show of your personality it's a great conversation started

Speakers - Theyll be useful when studying and pre-drinking

Headphones - If you need to study and its loud they'll help

Bath Towels - 3 will do 

Trying to work

I made the big mistake of taking most of my wardrobe with me, I'd suggest to not do this. Take things you wear at home, don't think that you'll wear things at Uni you don't at home. You won't. When you're in the halls it's much like being at home, you'll probably lounge around in hoodies.

I'd say some staples are;


A onesie

Costumes - if you're into going out and have costumes, I'd suggest taking them they'll come in use at some point 

Printer - Its easier to have your own, but you can use the universities

If your course requires you to have books, you will be sent a reading list.
Although you may want to buy all the books in preparation I'd suggest buying them after you move into university. You probably won't need them during the freshers week, and you lectures will probably tell you what books you need ASAP and ones you don't need.
Most books will be available to rent at the library, and if your factuality has a notice board old students may be selling there books for a cheap price.
If you do buy the books, I suggest buying them of amazon, used books come at a third of the price most of the time.

It's not like school you won't need a lot

DIARY/Calendar - You will need to keep on top of deadlines, events, work so get one.



Sticky Notes




Blue Tac


Cork Board - if your room doesn't have one 

Wouldn't want to miss moments like these

Camera - It's easier to use your phone, but for special occasions you may want to use a camera

Games console - Good for rainy days when there's nothing else to do

DVD player - Movie nights are cheap and fun

Extension Lead 

The list may seem long but you most likely have most of the things already. Don't spend all your money at this stage. Hope it helps :) 

Haliena Brown
Astra Christina

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