Saturday 17 August 2013

University Guide: Results

First off well done. Welcome to a series tackling the stress following the first year of university. Hope it helps :) 

After you have received your results, you are likely to receive a welcome pack from the university you have a place at.

This welcome pack will include all the information that you need to know before you go. This will probably include you new student ID and a password for you to log on to the university's 'portal'. You will be given instructions on how to enrol, which will need to be done before you attend the university.


Is a simple process and shouldn't be stressed about. You will have to accept the terms and conditions of the university. I know most people usually ignore the terms and conditions when accepting them, but this is one time I would suggest reading them. It will outline the procedures of the university, what you can and can't do, can and can't bring when you move in. It lists the actions that will be taken if you don't follow the rules, which include fines, and being withdrawn. Again don't stress, university is supposed to be a great experience they aren't trying to scare you, they are trying the create the best environment they can for all students. So take note. 

In most situations you will have to fill out a few details regarding contact, and emergency contact. You are also likely to be given your student email, you may want to take the chance of forwarding your emails to the account you use most. This is also most likely to be the time you choose your modules, if your course offers any. 
You will be given a brief introduction to the choices you have, if your not sure contact one of the admissions team and they can inform you further on what to do. Again don't stress, it's not the end of the world if you can't decide go away and think about it, you will usually be given at least a week to decide. So don't rush it. 

Once you have accepted the terms and conditions, and filled out all the details necessary. 
You will be officially enrolled to the university
               Bad example but you get the point, smile
      Student ID 

It is around this time you will be asked to send in your student ID photograph. Choose wisely this is what you will be showing to other students, the student union, and to get any student offers. You will want to follow any procedures that the university has given you in order for you photograph to be accepted. 

It is treated much like a passport photograph, though slightly less strict.
  • You'll want to have a high quality image,  not pix-elated
  • A clear background, white is possible.
  • Your face is clear, you can smile though :)
  • You will want to frame the picture so it cuts of at your shoulders
  • You may want to get someone else to take it to make it easier
  • Upload it and send it off
  • You will probably receive confirmation that it is acceptable, or not
And you're done.

    Contacting Other Students

Once you've received your welcome pack and enrolled, it's the perfect time to start looking for other students going to the same university, or on the same course, or even in the same accommodation.
Most universities will have an array of social media sites you can look up

Facebook is the most used site for contact other students, just search your university and several pages should appear.

Every university should have a page set up by the student union for freshers. This is the most likely page to start talking to other people, many students will post looking for people on the same course, so it won't be hard to find someone on yours!
Talking to other students makes the whole process a lot less stressful and less nerve racking. 
Don't be scared to contact people, most will be relieved to know someone else. 
Remember everyone is in the same situation.
It is also the place you will receive the information on freshers week; special offers, events, nights outs. 

The student union;
This is the place you'll receive updates on any events happening, and will most likely receive the timetable for freshers week.
This time table will include the freshers fair, societies fairs, so make time for these. 

The official page;
This is the page where the university will give updates on any information you need to know so follow the group.

My room 


If you haven't sorted it out before you should look into it. If the university of choice is further then you can travel, you can apply for accommodation. 

Don't stress, but do apply. 
Most university's will have enough rooms for all first years that wish to live in halls. 

The application process is usually simple.
You will be given the prices and amenities of the various halls on site, which will usually include, standard, standard plus, and en-suite. Plus variations between universities. 
These will vary in price so take into account what you can afford when applying, though student loans are built to cover this, they may not cover the most expensive places. 
Prices usually vary from £70-140. Though you may want to live in luxury don't put yourself in a position where it leaves you with nothing to live on

When it comes to applying, you will be asked to provide, a first, second and third choice. Much like the UCAS process. This is so that if your first choice is full up the university has other options, and though all efforts are made to give students there first choice this is not always possible. 

Once you have sent your application off, and received an offer. You will be given usually 7 days to accept the offer you have been given, and pay the deposit. Unfortunately the deposit is not optional. Though if you are finding yourself really stuck I would look into contacting the accommodation team, and going through your options. 

Once the deposit is paid your place is secure and will be able to collect your keys when you move in. This is also the time you will want to set up the direct debits for the accommodation payments. You can choose to pay it all up front, in three or six instalments. The most popular option is the three instalments, as this will align with the three instalments of your loans. So you won't have a chance to spend it. 

You're Done!

When this is all done you're all set for university on the paper work side. Follow for blogs on, packing, moving, freshers week, and first year.

Do not stress about it. Universities have experienced every situation and student. Your problems will not be new to them, and they can solve them. 
You just need to ask.

Haliena Brown 
Astra Christina
Photo credit: google, university website, my own.

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